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AI Data Can Lead to Higher Profit Margins, Says Expert

AI data

Data is everywhere, and more companies leverage data to make pivotal decisions regarding process optimization and even to aid in employee decision-making for customer experience (CX) enhancement. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role. 

AI can help a business automate repetitive tasks, gain insight, and even engage with key audiences on behalf of an organization via chatbots, IVR (interactive voice response), and more. Peter Kujawa, vice president and general manager at Service Leadership, a ConnectWise solution, tends to agree that AI has a lot of benefits for MSPs, primarily the insights one might garner through data. 

Kujawa will bring his expertise to the Channel Partners Conference & Expo and MSP Summit, March 11-14, in his session, "Hot Data: More Profit Through AI."

Well-tapped into the thriving MSP market, Kujawa sat down with Channel Partners to discuss his thoughts on AI and how enterprises might make the most of the tool, still getting optimized to yield the best possible outcomes. 

Channel Partners: What are some of the creative ways you've seen partners capitalize on AI? 

Peter Kujawa: AI is still in its infancy, so I think most partners are still trying to figure it out. I’ve seen “early adopter” partners incorporating it into their sales and marketing content generation, but the biggest opportunities are just starting to take hold.

CP: Is there profit to be made in AI when vendors mostly give it away? AWS and Microsoft appear to be two of the only vendors charging for it. 

PK: The profit opportunity for MSPs is not primarily in the resale of AI technology; instead, it's from improved service gross margin, lower sales, marketing and operations expenses. Those improvements will come from efficiency gains — reducing labor expenses (the largest cost input for any MSP). Once they are good at it internally, there will also be a project and managed service revenue opportunity for MSPs. Allof this will add up to an opportunity for significantly improved profitability.

CP: Why should someone attend your session, and who should? 

PK: AI is a hot buzzword, and in my session, we will move beyond the hype and explain the opportunity it presents for MSPs to improve their profitability and customer satisfaction in the process. We’ll also show how, if done wrong, it can lead to lower profit, even when efficiency improves. The owners and other MSP executives will leave with actionable steps to get started on it today."

artificial intelligence, MSP Summit